Arizona Talks: Childcare

Thursday, September 5 | 6:00pm

Can we make quality affordable childcare a reality?

Join us for an engaging and informative public policy event addressing a critical issue impacting Arizona families: childcare. This forum will explore the topic through personal stories, expert analysis, and diverse viewpoints.

77% of voters agree that families in our state are struggling to find affordable and reliable childcare. Without dependable access to childcare, many caregivers face the difficult choice of missing work or leaving the workforce altogether. This has far-reaching implications not only for the affected families but also for our economy and community wellbeing.



Our Speakers for the Night

Grace Appelbe

Grace Appelbe

Director of Policy and Government Affairs, Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Rick DeBruhl

Rick DeBruhl

Veteran Broadcast Journalist

Juan Ciscomani

Juan Ciscomani

U.S. Representative (R-CD6)

Melinda Gulick

Melinda Gulick

CEO, First Things First

Matt Gress

Matt Gress

Arizona State Representative (R, LD4)

Chris Herbst

Foundation Professor, ASU School of Public Affairs

Holly Kurtz

Director of Workforce Development, Center for the Future of Arizona

Sarah Liguori

Sarah Liguori

Arizona State Representative (D, LD5)

About the Event

What is this about?

Arizona Talks believes in the power of bringing people together to celebrate our differences and our shared values. This event is not just a discussion on policy: It’s a chance to connect, engage, and foster a stronger community.

Why come to this event?

Expand your knowledge and connect with leading voices on the issue. Gain insights from experts with backgrounds in business, nonprofits, academia, and government who are actively working to address this challenge. Also, join a growing community that cares about and works toward improving public discourse on this crucial topic.

What is Arizona Talks?

We are a nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing civic engagement by making valuable civil dialogue accessible to the public. We create experiences for Arizonans to learn, discuss, and connect over our country’s most challenging issues.

If you believe that civil and substantive discussion is essential to preserving a free and democratic society, please join us and support our work to continue providing a public forum for open inquiry, fact-based analysis, and vigorous, civil discussion in Arizona.

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